Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, one of the most popular messaging applications, has remarked on the relevance that Hamster Kombat, a tap-to-earn game where players role-play as a hamster who is the CEO of a crypto exchange, will have in bringing blockchain to millions. 239 million have signed to be part of the game, according to Durov’s data.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov: Hamster Kombat Will Be the First Blockchain Experience for Millions
Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, one of the most used messaging apps, has discussed the popularity of the Hamster Kombat phenomenon. Durov stated that Hamster Kombat, a tap-to-earn game where players role-play as hamsters who are CEOs of a cryptocurrency exchange, has attracted 239 million users in only three months since its release.
This game leverages the mini-app protocol launched by Telegram in 2020. However, it only recently started gaining traction with the introduction of tap-to-earn projects like Notcoin, and the mentioned Hamster Kombat. Durov stressed that the acceptance of Hamster Kombat allowed the project to enlist 100 million users in just 73 days. He revealed that four to five million users join the game daily, making it the “fastest-growing digital service in the world.”
Durov declared this game will play a relevant role in showing blockchain’s power to all its users soon. In his Telegram channel, Durov stated:
Soon, Hamster’s team will mint its token on TON, introducing the benefits of blockchain to hundreds of millions of people.
“A new era is arriving, and we are witnessing its arrival in real-time,” he concluded. The game’s popularity in Iran has caused authorities to consider it a “soft war” instrument used by the West against Iran’s theocracy. According to AP reports, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, deputy chief of Iran’s military, qualified the game as a distraction directed at Iranians to forget the presidential proposals in anticipation of the presidential elections.
While the exact date of the airdrop for the game’s token has still to be announced, there are already platforms opening pre-market trading ahead of its issuance.