Investors are delving into the details on shares of Lithium Americas Corp (LAC.TO). The share price has felt recent pressure moving past the Stochtastic Momentum Index of -40, indicating possible oversold territory.
The Stochastic Momentum Index, or SMI, is a more refined version of the original stochastic oscillator, employing a wider range of values and having a higher sensitivity to closing prices. The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) indicator was developed by William Blau and is based on the Stochastic indicator. The Stochastic oscillator is calculated using the close price relative to the high low trading range, whereas the Stochastic Momentum Index indicator is calculated using the close price relative to the midpoint of the high low trading range. The most common method of using SMI is to look for buy trades when the SMI falls under -40 and then rises back above through -40. Sell trades are looked for when the SMI rises above +40 and then falls back below +40.
Investors are always looking to gain any possible advantage in the stock market. Knowing the various risk and return possibilities for various types of stocks can be critical to positive performance. Creating a balanced equity portfolio may be the essential first step when thinking about diving into the equity markets. Investors may come from all different types of backgrounds, and they may face completely different situations. Each investor may need to identify their objectives and try to figure out what’s best for their specific situation. Investors may want to take a conservative approach to the markets. Others will be looking to go in full throttle with a very aggressive plan. Whatever the choice, it is important to note that picking stocks based on previous returns will never guarantee future returns. Investors have many choices they can make when looking to purchase stocks. Figuring out levels of risk, expectations of returns, and the overall investment time horizon can all play a big part in crafting the initial plan.
Presently, Lithium Americas Corp (LAC.TO) has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of -96.80. The CCI technical indicator can be used to help determine if a stock is overbought or oversold. CCI may also be used to help discover divergences that could possibly signal reversal moves. A CCI closer to +100 may provide an overbought signal, and a CCI near -100 may offer an oversold signal.
Tracking other technical indicators, the 14-day RSI is presently standing at 42.75, the 7-day sits at 43.14, and the 3-day is resting at 57.71 for Lithium Americas Corp (LAC.TO). The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a highly popular technical indicator. The RSI is computed base on the speed and direction of a stock’s price movement. The RSI is considered to be an internal strength indicator, not to be confused with relative strength which is compared to other stocks and indices. The RSI value will always move between 0 and 100. One of the most popular time frames using RSI is the 14-day.
Moving averages have the ability to be used as a powerful indicator for technical stock analysis. Following multiple time frames using moving averages can help investors figure out where the stock has been and help determine where it may be possibly going. The simple moving average is a mathematical calculation that takes the average price (mean) for a given amount of time. Currently, the 7-day moving average is sitting at 4.19.
Let’s take a further look at the Average Directional Index or ADX. The ADX measures the strength or weakness of a particular trend. Investors and traders may be looking to figure out if a stock is trending before employing a specific trading strategy. The ADX is typically used along with the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) which point to the direction of the trend. The 14-day ADX for Lithium Americas Corp (LAC.TO) is currently at 20.52. In general, and ADX value from 0-25 would represent an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would support a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would signify a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would point to an extremely strong trend.
Investors may be wondering which way stock market momentum will shift in the second half of the year. If the economic landscape shifts and markets start to go south, investors may need to have an action plan in place. Keeping the bigger picture in mind may help investors when markets are struggling. Short-term developments may cause the investor to lose confidence in certain holdings. Keeping the focus on stock analysis and the overall economic picture may help investors see through the trees. Sometimes the calm, cool, and collected approach will help settle the mind during turbulent market conditions. Being able to stay emotionally unattached to a stock or sector may assist the investor with making tricky buying or selling decisions. Being disciplined is an attribute that many successful investors share. Being prepared for many different scenarios can help ease the burden when those tough portfolio decisions have to be made.