Orocobre Ltd (ORE.AX) shares are on watch as the Elder Force line has moved below zero. The indicator was created by Alexander Elder in a book titled “Trading for a Living”. The scale fluctuates above and below zero, providing insight on the power of a stock movement based on direction and magnitude of volume. The indicator helps confirm price trends. The indicator visually shows when a strong shift in buying or selling momentum occurs. When the Force Index clings to the zero line, there is little momentum and traders may want to stay on the sidelines instead of initiating trades. A forceful rise above zero on the indicator shows strong buying pressure; when the indicator stays above zero it signifies an uptrend. Similarly a forceful drop below the zero line indicates strong selling pressure and a downtrend.
Once the investor has calculated risk and decided on a suitable time horizon, they may be wondering how to best start doing research on particular stocks and the market in general. Working from the top and filtering down, investors may start by studying the overall economy, specific industries, and other markets. Economic trends can have an influence on company earnings, and it is generally beneficial to be aware of what is going on locally and around the globe. Individual investors may decide that they want to start from the bottom and work their way up. This may involve studying specific stocks and looking for ones that are strong, cheap, and solidly performing on the earnings front. Some individuals will combine both methods with the goal of understanding all aspects that could possibly affect the stock market.
Checking on current RSI levels on shares of Orocobre Ltd (ORE.AX), the 14-day RSI is currently standing at 40.16, the 7-day is at 43.08, and the 3-day is resting at 43.32. Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a frequently used technical analysis tool. RSI helps measure changes in price movement of a specific equity. RSI is a momentum oscillator that moves in a range from 0 to 100. RSI is generally used to interpret whether a stock is overbought or oversold. As a general rule, an RSI over 70 may indicate an overbought situation. On the other end of the spectrum, a reading under 30 may indicate an oversold situation.
Orocobre Ltd (ORE.AX) currently has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of 17.68. Active investors may choose to use this technical indicator as a stock evaluation tool. Used as a coincident indicator, the CCI reading above +100 would reflect strong price action which may signal an uptrend. On the flip side, a reading below -100 may signal a downtrend reflecting weak price action. Using the CCI as a leading indicator, technical analysts may use a +100 reading as an overbought signal and a -100 reading as an oversold indicator, suggesting a trend reversal.
Shares of Orocobre Ltd (ORE.AX) have a 200-day moving average of 4.56. The 50-day is 3.96, and the 7-day is sitting at 3.29. Using a bigger time frame to assess the moving average such as the 200-day, may help block out the noise and chaos that is often caused by daily price fluctuations. In some cases, MA’s may be used as strong reference points for spotting support and resistance levels.
The Average Directional Index or ADX is technical analysis indicator used to describe if a market is trending or not trending. The ADX alone measures trend strength but not direction. Using the ADX with the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) may help determine the direction of the trend as well as the overall momentum. Many traders will use the ADX alongside other indicators in order to help spot proper trading entry/exit points. Currently, the 14-day ADX for Orocobre Ltd (ORE.AX) is 14.32. Generally speaking, an ADX value from 0-25 would indicate an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would indicate a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would signal a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would indicate an extremely strong trend. The Williams Percent Range or Williams %R is another technical indicator that may be useful for traders and investors.
Active investors are constantly faced with tough decisions when managing their own stock portfolios. Deciding when to sell a certain stock may be just as vital as choosing which stocks to buy in the first place. There are bound to be extremes on both sides when analyzing buy and sell decisions. Maybe a well researched stock hasn’t seen the gains that were expected at the outset. When emotions take over, the investor may not be able to part with the stock. They may hold on to the equity with the hopes that someday it will bounce back. Of course this may happen eventually, but the situation could also worsen and the stock may keep losing. The same decisions sometimes have to be made when dealing with a winning stock. After a big run, the investor may have to decide whether to take the profits or hold off to see if the stock will continue to push upwards. These are no easy decisions for the individual investor. Being able to make the proper portfolio moves may take some time to master, but it may end up being highly important for continued, long-term success.
The Williams %R is designed to provide a general sense of when the equity might have reached an extreme and be primed for a reversal. As a general observance, the more overbought or oversold the reading displays, the more likely a reversal may take place. The 14 day Williams %R for Orocobre Ltd (ORE.AX) is noted at -55.74. Many consider the equity oversold if the reading is below -80 and overbought if the indicator is between 0 and -20.
Investing in the stock market can be highly challenging. Most investors have the same intentions of trying to maximize profits from investment capital. Realizing that there are many unknowns in the market, investors will need to make sure that they are constantly staying on top of the current economic scene. As most investors know, the market can see big shifts on a daily basis. Being able to deal with the constant ups and downs can be a huge asset to the individual investor’s psyche. Because stock market investing can get highly emotional at times, investors often have to find a way to keep a clear head and make the best possible decisions even when the market terrain gets rocky. Many successful investors have created a plan that they have been able to adhere to through the thick and thin.