Energizer Holdings Inc (ENR) shares are showing negative signals short-term as the stock has finished lower by -18.62% for the week. In taking a look at recent performance, we can see that shares have moved -15.71% over the past 4-weeks, -16.59% over the past half year and 10.77% over the past full year.
Investing in the stock market can be highly unpredictable. Veteran investors may have spent many years studying the market. At some point along the way, many investors may have had to make some tough decisions. Making the tough stock portfolio decisions can seem like a daunting task, especially if some wrong calls have been made in the past. Investors who are able to quickly learn from previous mistakes may be much better situated if they are able to keep from repeating those mistakes. When just starting out, investors may want to go slow and steady in order to focus on the simpler investing ideas first.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is one of multiple popular technical indicators created by J. Welles Wilder. Wilder introduced RSI in his book “New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems” which was published in 1978. RSI measures the magnitude and velocity of directional price movements. The data is represented graphically by fluctuating between a value of 0 and 100. The indicator is computed by using the average losses and gains of a stock over a certain time period. RSI can be used to help spot overbought or oversold conditions. An RSI reading over 70 would be considered overbought, and a reading under 30 would indicate oversold conditions. A level of 50 would indicate neutral market momentum. The 14-day RSI is currently sitting at 26.01, the 7-day is at 14.53, and the 3-day is spotted at 2.52 for Energizer Holdings Inc (ENR).
Investors may be tracking certain levels on shares of Energizer Holdings Inc (ENR). The current 50-day Moving Average is 59.38, the 200-day Moving Average is 59.14, and the 7-day is noted at 56.90. Moving averages can help spot trends and price reversals. They may also be used to help find support or resistance levels. Moving averages are considered to be lagging indicators meaning that they confirm trends. A certain stock may be considered to be on an uptrend if trading above a moving average and the average is sloping upward. On the other side, a stock may be considered to be in a downtrend if trading below the moving average and sloping downward.
Traders may be relying in part on technical stock analysis. Energizer Holdings Inc (ENR) currently has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of -253.28. Despite the name, CCI can be used on other investment tools such as stocks. The CCI was designed to typically stay within the reading of -100 to +100. Traders may use the indicator to determine stock trends or to identify overbought/oversold conditions. A CCI reading above +100 would imply that the stock is overbought and possibly ready for a correction. On the other hand, a reading of -100 would imply that the stock is oversold and possibly set for a rally.
At the time of writing, the 14-day ADX for Energizer Holdings Inc (ENR) is 20.42. Many technical chart analysts believe that an ADX value over 25 would suggest a strong trend. A reading under 20 would indicate no trend, and a reading from 20-25 would suggest that there is no clear trend signal. The ADX is typically plotted along with two other directional movement indicator lines, the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI). Some analysts believe that the ADX is one of the best trend strength indicators available.
Equity market investors have plenty of information available to them when making stock selections. One of the toughest parts of selecting stocks may be figuring out which data to pay attention to. There are always swirling headlines in today’s financial news media. While some information may be highly important, other information may be much less important. Knowing exactly what to look for when doing stock research may take a lot of time to master. Investors who are able to stay highly focused may find it much easier to spot opportunities in the market. Once the investor knows what to look for, the stock market puzzle may be a bit easier to start piecing together.